Samantha Petersen: Charged for Crash, Twin asks to Take Fall

Samantha Petersen


Samantha Petersen’s case is a deeply tragic and extraordinary crime story that unfolded in Minnesota. It involves a fatal hit-and-run accident with an Amish buggy, and the subsequent alleged attempt by Petersen to involve her identical twin sister, Elizabeth, in a cover-up. This case has garnered significant public and media attention due to its dramatic and unusual elements. Here is a detailed account of the incident, the investigation, and its broader implications.

Samantha Petersen
Sarah Petersen (left) and her twin sister Samantha Petersen (right).


The Incident

On November 27, 2019, a quiet evening in rural Fillmore County, Minnesota, was shattered by a horrific accident. Samantha Petersen was driving her vehicle on a rural road, where Amish buggies are a common sight. Without warning, her car collided with a buggy carrying a family of six. The impact was devastating. Two young children, aged 1 and 3, were killed, and the remaining family members, including the parents, suffered serious injuries.

The aftermath of the crash was chaotic. Petersen did not stop to render aid or report the accident. Instead, she fled the scene, leaving the Amish family to cope with the aftermath alone. This act of fleeing marked the beginning of a complex and troubling case.


amish buggy


The incident resulted in the death of two children, 7-year-old Wilma Miller and 11-year-old Irma Miller, while their 9-year-old brother and 13-year-old sister were seriously injured. The horse pulling the buggy also died.

Victims of samantha case
The children of the Miller family. Irma (right) and Wilma (second from right) died in the crash.


Allegations of a Cover-Up

In the hours and days following the crash, Samantha Petersen allegedly concocted a plan to avoid prosecution. She reached out to her identical twin sister, Elizabeth, with a desperate request: to take the blame for the accident. The plan was for Elizabeth to tell authorities that she was the one driving the vehicle at the time of the crash. This attempt to deceive law enforcement added a layer of complexity and intrigue to an already tragic situation.

The twins’ plan hinged on their identical appearances and the hope that authorities would be unable to distinguish between them. However, their attempt to exploit their identical looks and familial bond soon unraveled under the scrutiny of a thorough investigation.

The Investigation

Law enforcement in Fillmore County took the incident seriously from the outset, given the severity of the crash and the tragic loss of young lives. The investigation was comprehensive, involving multiple facets to uncover the truth.

Witness Testimonies: Witnesses who were at or near the scene of the accident provided crucial information. Some reported seeing the vehicle speeding away after the crash, while others provided descriptions of the car and its driver. These testimonies helped piece together the events leading up to and following the crash.

Forensic Evidence: Forensic experts examined the vehicle involved in the accident. Damage patterns, paint transfer, and other forensic markers were analyzed. This evidence was vital in confirming that the vehicle registered to Samantha Petersen was indeed the one involved in the crash.

Phone Records: Investigators scrutinized phone records to trace the communications between Samantha and Elizabeth. These records provided insights into the timeline and nature of their conversations, highlighting the coordination between the sisters following the crash.

Interrogations: Both Samantha and Elizabeth were interrogated separately. Despite their efforts to maintain a consistent story, discrepancies emerged. Their accounts of the events leading up to and after the crash varied, raising suspicion and providing investigators with leads to pursue further.

Legal Proceedings

As the investigation progressed, authorities built a strong case against Samantha Petersen. She was charged with multiple serious offenses, including vehicular homicide, hit-and-run, and attempting to interfere with a criminal investigation. Elizabeth Petersen faced charges of aiding and abetting in the cover-up, reflecting her alleged role in attempting to mislead law enforcement.

The Trial: The trial was a high-profile event, drawing significant media coverage. The prosecution presented a compelling case, leveraging the wealth of evidence gathered during the investigation. Forensic experts testified about the crash and its aftermath, while phone records and witness testimonies painted a clear picture of the attempted cover-up.

The defense, on the other hand, faced an uphill battle. They attempted to cast doubt on the prosecution’s narrative and highlighted the identical appearance of the twins as a potential source of confusion. However, the weight of the evidence against Samantha was substantial.

Verdict and Sentencing: The jury found Samantha Petersen guilty on all counts. The judge, taking into account the severity of the crimes and the attempted deception, handed down a significant sentence. Elizabeth Petersen, while not facing as severe a punishment as her sister, was also convicted and sentenced for her role in the cover-up.

Public and Media Reaction

The case captivated the public’s imagination for several reasons. The tragic loss of innocent lives, the involvement of an Amish family, and the extraordinary lengths taken to avoid accountability all contributed to its wide appeal.

Media Coverage: Media outlets extensively covered the case, providing detailed reports on each development. The dramatic elements of the story – from the fatal crash to the twin sisters’ alleged conspiracy – were highlighted, making it a compelling narrative for readers and viewers.

Public Discourse: The case sparked broader discussions about road safety in rural areas, particularly concerning the coexistence of modern vehicles and horse-drawn buggies. Advocates called for increased awareness and improved safety measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Ethical considerations also came to the fore, with many reflecting on the moral implications of the attempted cover-up. The idea of one sibling trying to take the fall for another raised questions about familial loyalty and the lengths to which individuals might go to protect loved ones.


crash site


Samantha Petersen is facing the following charges:

Legal Proceedings

  • The case garnered significant media attention due to the tragic nature of the accident and the unusual twist involving identical twins.
  • During the trial, the prosecution presented evidence that demonstrated Samantha’s involvement in the crash and the subsequent attempt to deceive the authorities.
  • Both sisters faced serious legal consequences for their actions.


  • Criminal vehicular homicide
  • Driving under the influence of drugs (methamphetamine, amphetamine, and THC)
  • Second-degree manslaughter
  • Second-degree assault
  • Reckless driving
  • Two counts of criminal vehicular operation causing great bodily harm
  • Two counts of criminal vehicular operation causing substantial bodily harm
  • Two counts of criminal vehicular operation causing bodily harm
  • Two counts of criminal vehicular operation with no proof of insurance
  • Two counts of driving after cancellation inimical to public safety
  • Two counts of driving after revocation inimical to public safety
  • Two counts of driving after suspension inimical to public safety
  • Two counts of driving after cancellation, revocation, or suspension of license for a serious traffic violation
  • Two counts of driving after cancellation, revocation, or suspension of license for a test refusal
  • Two counts of driving after cancellation, revocation, or suspension of license for a test refusal within 10 years of a prior test refusal
  • Two counts of driving after cancellation, revocation, or suspension of license for a test refusal within 10 years of a prior test refusal and a prior test refusal within 10 years of the current test refusal

These charges are a result of the fatal collision involving an Amish buggy and the subsequent investigation that revealed Petersen’s involvement in the incident

The story has sparked a range of reactions, from disbelief to fascination, as the details continue to unfold. The case’s unique circumstances, involving a collision between modern transportation and a traditional Amish buggy, have added an extra layer of intrigue. The apparent attempt to manipulate the situation by involving a twin sibling has also raised questions about the complexities of the human psyche and the bonds between twins.

Conclusion – Samantha Petersen

The case of Samantha Petersen is a tragic and compelling story that captured the public’s imagination due to its dramatic elements and ethical complexities. The incident itself was a heartbreaking loss for the Amish community, exacerbated by the subsequent attempt at a cover-up involving identical twins. The thorough investigation and legal proceedings that followed demonstrated the importance of diligent law enforcement work and the judicial system’s role in ensuring justice. This case serves as a sobering reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless driving and the lengths to which some might go to evade responsibility, ultimately reinforcing the importance of accountability and truth in the face of tragedy.

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